Character Education
In compliance with Pennsylvania School Code (Chapter 16), services designed to meet the unique needs of gifted students are provided in the Souderton Area School District. All students are screened in the spring of their first grade and third grade years using the Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test-3 (NNAT-3). Ongoing screening activities take place throughout the school year in grades other than first and third.
Students are identified individually based on guidelines and regulations embodied in state law under Chapter 16. Students who possess superior intelligence scores or who meet the multiple eligibility criteria indicating gifted ability by the gifted Multidisciplinary Team are provided with a program of specially designed instruction to meet the outstanding intellectual and creative abilities of the student. Gifted instructional services for eligible students are delineated on a Gifted Individualized Education Program and address areas of demonstrated gifted achievement. If your child is suspected to qualify for gifted services, you will be notified of screening and evaluation procedures. Requests for screening and evaluation procedures should be made to your building principal.
Use the following link for the Notice of Parental Rights for Gifted Students (PDF)
For further information on the screening, evaluation procedures, and provision of services to mentally gifted students, parents should contact their child's school counselor.